First hotnfast brisket


Charles H.

TVWBB Super Fan
Well, today around 10am my wife decided she wanted BBQ for dinner.
I figured we would get some take out.
Nope, she wanted home cooking.
So I filled up a chimney and got it going and loaded the WSM with charcoal.
It figures the first time (yes first time) I had not scrubbed the grate following a cook would be the time I needed things to move fast.
So got that soaking in the hot water heater pan and just before I headed to Walmart to see what meat they had I dumped the chimney on the coal bed.
Grabbed a 13# select packer and headed home.
The WSM was running at 330 when I got home.
Finished cleaning the grate and threw it in the WSM to sterilize.
The brisket is easily the worst looking one I have ever started with, but the other choice was 18# and I am on a very tight timeline.
Trimmed the brisket the best I could and seasoned with SPOG.
Got it in the WSM at 12:10 and put a skewer under the lid to get the temp up higher.
It's 12:40 now and the WSM is running at 406.
Of all days for my Maverick meat probe to break today is the day, been meaning to order a backup but never got around to it.
The plan is to cook it for 4 hours, wrap it in foil, and continue cooking hot until it's tender.
I hope to eat around 6-6:30 this evening.
Haha, yeah this one could end up being a disaster.
I have a couple of pictures but flickr changed the way the VB code is displayed and I cannot copy it with the iPad.
I will try to post them with the computer later today.
Well the Hotnfast cook certainly produced a tender moist brisket and it was done in 5 hours.
Even though I really put a lot of smoke wood on the fire the brisket only had a hint of smoke flavor, I greatly prefer a much stronger smoke flavor.
All in all I consider this a success, but unless I can figure out a way to get more smoke flavor this cooking method will only be used when I need to cook it in a hurry.

Here are the final pictures.

Final pic in the cooker, ready to wrap.

3 hours hotnfast 400 deg by chashint1, on Flickr

Fat cap up and back in the cooker.

3 hours fat side up in the foil by chashint1, on Flickr

Started at 12, Three hours in the smoke, two in the foil, time to rest.

Off the WSM and into the cooler by chashint1, on Flickr

Venting before zipping the cooler.

Venting before the rest by chashint1, on Flickr

An hour of rest and it's ready to slice.

Hotnfast ready to slice by chashint1, on Flickr

Sliced down the middle to see what it looked like inside.

Fresh slice by chashint1, on Flickr

Extra slices left over from the meal.

These slices have sat for a while by chashint1, on Flickr
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No way I could start the cooker and run to the store to figure out what I am cooking
I am a nerd and have to plan everything HA
Awesome looking brisket.
Thanks for the compliments.

I am a low&slow guy too and I don't see that changing, but I have been wanting to try a hot&fast cook.
This brisket was moist and tender but it tasted like a good roast beef with a very faint hint of smoke.
It's good to know though that 13# chunk of meat can be cooked relatively quick if I have to.
It sure looks good! I'm with you though, ya just don't get the smokey flavor in a HH cook. it's great to have a brisket done in less than 5hrs, but the flavor just isn't the same.
Thanks for sharing your experience, if you ever do another Hot and Fast cook, it might be good to start at 250-275 for a couple of hours to get more smoke on the Brisket then ramp up the temp. Not sure if it would help with putting more smoke on the meat, but that's what I'd probably try to do.
It looks good. I know your plan was to cook it for 4 hours before wrapping it in foil, did you stick to that or did you wrap it at a different point than you planned?
The plan was to smoke/cook for four hours and then wrap.
I checked the color every hour and after three hours it looked like it was ready to wrap so I did.
I checked the brisket after one hour wrapped and then at 1/2 hour intervals.
I pulled it off the cooker after two hours wrapped and vented it on the counter for about 15-20 minutes before sealing and putting in the cooler to hold.

