First Butt on the Searwood

i'm curious about the app - it says there's 8 hours left. I'm assuming from your update that 8 hours turned into something more than that. Did you enter the desired done temp and anything else like weight or is the app doing all the work?
9 pound butt and still going at 7:20pm. Dinner plans have changed. 🤣

I’ve experienced that, as well as finishing earlier than expected. The latter is easy…hold it in a cooler. The former usually consists of numerous swear words and a call to the local pizza delivery establishment. Supper the next day is usually very good, though.
I ended up pulling it off around 8:45pm and resting for an hour in a cooler. It was only at 190F when I pulled it, and it was falling apart. Will be reheating some for dinner shortly, but what I snacked on last night was delicious. I probably should've been checking for done at 180, but assumed it wasn't close at that point.

Peter: the Meater remaining cook time can often be a moving target - especially if you're dealing with something like a butt that will go through a stall. This was probably my least accurate experience with it though. Interestingly, you can manually set up a cook, which I usually do. But with this cook, I just chose 'Pork Butt' and the app set a target of 203F. There's no accounting for the size of the roast, so I'm not sure how it comes up with the cook time. All it has to go on is the internal and ambient temps.
I like big ***** and I cannot lie......

I am down to 1 pack left frozen.....soon to be 2 big butts on the E6

You guys and your pulled pork on a Cubano is inspiring...I usually use a smoked center cut loin type roast.

