First Brisket - Is this a flat or point?



New member
Excited to do my first Brisket tomorrow, but for the life of me I'm not confident in whether this thing is the flat or point. It's just under 7 lbs and the label says it's the point, but I could have sworn the butcher told me it was the flat when he gave it to me. (They didn't have any whole packers)


Planning on starting it around 6-7 tomorrow morning alongside an 8 lb bone in Picnic Shoulder, so was thinking of doing them at 225-250 on my WSM 22 and have yet to determine how I want to rub, marinade, inject, if or when to foil etc and whether or not I actually want to use water in the water bowl either. (I've previously done one pork butt and pork spares about 5 or 6 times).

Thanks in advance for the help guys. :D
I've never seen a point for sale around here. It's pretty hard to tell from that photo. Either way you'll do fine at your planned cooker temp.
I think it very well might be a point, but like Dwaine, you don't find em around here. I'd need a closer look, but if it is a point, I wouldn't foil it. It's the best part, especially if you get good bark and rendering of the fat.
Looks like the point to me. I see them all the time at the grocery store but its always a better deal here to buy a packer.
I'm guessing point as well but, per the above, I've never seen one sold separately. I also wouldn't feel compelled to inject the point. There's more than enough fat there that you don't need to add moisture.

Never having done a point alone before, I think you might want to get a good bark, cube and re-rub it and put the ends back on for a few more hours with more wood and some sauce. Maybe put it on a few hours prior to the butt???
Thanks guys. Not sure why I'm not feeling confident in how it's labeled but for some reason I thought I was getting the flat. :)

Given that, I was worried that with just the flat I'd want to be careful about how I cook it not to dry it out. But in this case now, I'm thinking I should treat it more or less like a full packer and then cut off some pieces to do some burnt ends.
So I've come up with my plan:

Night Before:
Make Hog Injection
Make Pork Rub
Make Beef Rub
Prepare Smoker with Charcoal
Prepare Chimney with Paper and Charcoal
Get out Thermometer and Injector
Rub Pork
Rub Beef

Wake up at 6 AM:
Start Chimney
Inject Hog Injection to Pork
Rub with rest of hog rub
Rub with rest of beef rub

Smoke to ~160 degrees
Wrap with Foil (add/spray with apple juice the pork shoulder)
Cook til 195-203 degrees
Let both rest
After resting Brisket, cut about half off to create 1” piece of burnt ends add barbecue sauce and put back over heat use other half for slices if texture feels good
Wow! A 1.99. Whole angus packer at Sams Club this weekend 3.58 a pound. I put it back, wanted it so bad. Wife said you can buy a lip on rib eye for a few bucks more. Went home with 2 pork butts at 2. 5? a pound. Meat is high.
Bill Mc

