Firecraft Summer Sale

Oooh, dang! That roti is sooooo tempting. Great deal, and free shipping too!
Man, lots of good deals there on both accessories and parts. GBS flip up grate for 24. 13 SS FBs for deep box Genny, $54.99. Burner tubes for Gennys, $31.99 to many good deals to list
Nice. Any idea how long that sale will last? That Rotisserie loook sooooooo tempting.

I pulled the trigger on one last night. Order confirmed and everything. A few minutes ago, I got an email saying its backordered, with an estimated ship date of 8/16. A little disappointing, but I can wait. There were a few negative reviews from folks stating that had happened to them as well. Would be nice to know that before ordering, in case it was something you needed right away. Patiently waiting for the 16th...
Jim, your patience will be rewarded, you will be so happy to get your meat carousel you will forget the wait. Trust me.

I'm sure it will be. But I'm so excited, I can't wait.

Never mind, folks. It appears they will not be getting the inventory they promised, nor will they honor the purchases made. Now I have the thrill of knowing that a company that can't even keep track of their inventory, or get items in stock has my credit card info. :mad:

Dear FireCraft Customer,

First, we here at FireCraft would like to thank you for your order and for making our most recent Weber sale a success! You might have received an email letting you know that the item(s) you ordered are on backorder and would be able to be filled at a later date. Unfortunately the products listed in these backorder emails will no longer be available through FireCraft. Due to this inventory issue these item(s) have been canceled on your order. Your credit card has not been charged since FireCraft only charges customers for items that are in stock and have shipped.
Again we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Thank You,

FireCraft Customer Service
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Never mind, folks. It appears they will not be getting the inventory they promised, nor will they honor the purchases made. Now I have the thrill of knowing that a company that can't even keep track of their inventory, or get items in stock has my credit card info. :mad:

Dear FireCraft Customer,

First, we here at FireCraft would like to thank you for your order and for making our most recent Weber sale a success! You might have received an email letting you know that the item(s) you ordered are on backorder and would be able to be filled at a later date. Unfortunately the products listed in these backorder emails will no longer be available through FireCraft. Due to this inventory issue these item(s) have been canceled on your order. Your credit card has not been charged since FireCraft only charges customers for items that are in stock and have shipped.
Again we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Thank You,

FireCraft Customer Service

Bummer, why list it if you don't have it and can't get it.
Jim, I'm sorry to hear about the whole fiasco!
Back orders were one thing I never accepted from small goods suppliers when I was in both the music business and the art material trade. One time I had something like twelve dozen sets of strings on order and then was told they were BO'd so, I ordered a similar amount from another supplier, same story, finally a third company. I had set up a "NO Back Orders!" policy with all of them, suffice to say, I ended up with one huge stock of guitar strings! I spoke with all the guys I worked with and they were very sorry and embarrassed by the whole thing. It never happened again.
That's no consolation but, shipping stories will give you grey hair(if you have hair)!
Ohh No. I was just about to order it when I decided to look here before heading to their web page :(

Never mind, folks. It appears they will not be getting the inventory they promised, nor will they honor the purchases made. Now I have the thrill of knowing that a company that can't even keep track of their inventory, or get items in stock has my credit card info. :mad:

Dear FireCraft Customer,

First, we here at FireCraft would like to thank you for your order and for making our most recent Weber sale a success! You might have received an email letting you know that the item(s) you ordered are on backorder and would be able to be filled at a later date. Unfortunately the products listed in these backorder emails will no longer be available through FireCraft. Due to this inventory issue these item(s) have been canceled on your order. Your credit card has not been charged since FireCraft only charges customers for items that are in stock and have shipped.
Again we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Thank You,

FireCraft Customer Service
Oh well. I don't necessarily think there's anything shady going on, but I won't be back to them again - plenty of sales/deals out there and I don't need that frustration. I'd rather pay a bit more and know that I'll have what I ordered without issues and in a reasonable time.
My father also had an order cancelled... he had wanted a couple more iGrill probes, so I pointed him to the sale. Out of stock, order cancelled.

Makes me wonder just how much of what they were showing for sale they actually had in stock. Definitely leaves a bad taste in one's mouth if their inventory management is that poor.

