Finally Made The Leap


Antonio Silva

New member
Went to Lowes and got the 18.5 WSM. Last one on the floor.
They gave me a nice 10% vet discount and I was good to go.
My daughter and myself managed to stuff the box onto the back seat of her little suv. So-
Its now sitting on my front porch waiting assembly. Easy-peasy instructions came with it.
The burning question now in my mind is which chimney starter?
Weber has two. The standard and the mini size.
Any help in choosing would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
Welcome! The WSM is a great cooker, you’re gonna love it. I have both size starters but for the WSM I use the mini. I do a Minion style method where you only light a small amount of briquettes. I find the mini better suited for that. It’s a great technique for keeping temperatures low for hours.

IMO Chimney starters aren't needed. I use a method similar to what Duane is showing above, but I just stick a tumble weed in the center of the charcoal and light that and when the coals look about like what Duane is showing, I put the WSM together and start adjusting vents to get to cook temperature.

I started using this method because there is a lot of ash and mess and some hot embers falling out of the chimney that I got tired of dealing with.
Welcome Antonio, glad you joined us. Once you get that thing assembled your life will change right before eyes! :LOL:
Congratulations on your awesome cooker.
Thanks Duane.
I'll take a look at the usual o-line place and probably order next week when my budget catches up.:LOL:

Err...Can we get these on Amazon?
If you are going to use the Chimney ONLY for the minion method for the WSM 18 I agree with Duane the mini is perfect, but if you are like most of us here and your WSM purchase is also going to lead to a 22 in Kettle purchase then just go for the full size now. Also if you are going to want t do hot and fast chicken (and other meals) on your WSM 18, I would go the full size so that you can do a whole hot chimney of charcoal. I got the mini when I got my WSM and then got the full when I purchased my Master Touch. I have both and use both, but if I only could have one I would say the large because I can always do a partial chimney in the large, but I can't go over full in the mini.

As for the tumbleweeds, they are just one of the few options for fire starter. There is this great tread that has gone on 7 pages about this subject.

To simplify that thread, I think four main options:
1. home made (i.e. paper towel with some oil, cardboard, charcoal bag, or something along those lines)
2. Weber Starter Cubes
3. Fire Starter Squares
4. Tumble Weeds

As you can see we went 7 pages talking about this so there are different options and opinions. I used the Weber Starter Cube for the last year because I picked up a lot of them for a buck a box last fall at Target. But as I recently got close to running out I picked up a box of fire starter squares from Tractor Supply and love them and will keep used them. I have never tried the tumbles weeds so I can not comment.
I have both chimneys, and I use the large one most often. A full small chimney is a half full large chimney, which is what I use to start for the minion method. I use a full chimney (large), when I want a higher temp, such as chicken or turkey. I use them with the Weber starters. Hope this helps.

I have and use both.

Small is used for low/slow minion start in the WSM. Big is used for hot/fast/grilling. Sometimes I use both for high heat cooks.

If you want only one, buy the large and then flip the grating over so the cone points down rather than up.

That makes the large a better tool for lighting small amounts of charcoal. And also slightly increases the overall capacity of the large.
. Once you get that thing assembled your life will change right before eyes!
No lie! :D
Well, seems that you gentlemen have steered me toward the standard size chimney as the more practical to start with.
I had originally been thinking the small size.
Most likely because I was going to go with the 14" WSM.
Went larger because of thanksgiving and my daughters love for turkey.
IMO Chimney starters aren't needed
Have to have a chimney John K.
It greatly satisfies my need for gadgets.
If you want only one, buy the large and then flip the grating over so the cone points down rather than up.
Cool! This satisfies my need for making mods. Especially inexpensive one.
Thank you sir.
Say, how do you get those icons at the bottom of your threads. Got to put my new smoker there and add my Genesis.
Have to go.
The smoker is only half built and is sitting in the corner of the kitchen calling me.
Thank you all so much for helping me. :)
Say, how do you get those icons at the bottom of your threads. Got to put my new smoker there and add my Genesis.
In the upper right of your screen you will see your name with your A icon. Click that, then click signature. Once you are in there, click the smiley face. Then scroll down to the tvwbb smiles and choose which images represent your grills. Add text to identify your grills more if you would like or if you want to add anything else to your signature and save.
Hah! Got it!
So much trouble he was returned to the shelter twice.
And that was as a kitten.
Got him as a companion for Sophie, my other cat. She won't have anything to do with him.
So, he's my headache now.
He does like meat. 😄

