Ever toss out something you smoked?


Bill S.

I guess the oak I used was just too strong. Ended up throwing just about half a flat out today. Killed me to do it, but it just wasn't edible for us. Almost like it had a metallic taste. First time I've tossed something. At least it was a small one, 5lbs, cost me $20.
Yeah,I tried some beef ribs that were on sale at a local store. They looked good,and smelled amazing,but tasted really greasy and nasty. Had to chuck 'em!
Yeah..when I over salted some beef ribs a few weeks ago to the point they just couldn't be eaten...my wife was so cheesed off at me because she was looking forward to smoked ribs and told me not to put too much salt on them....and what did i do!!


Lamb ribs. I like pork/beef ribs. I like lamb chops. Lamb ribs, not so much. One bite and into the trash they went.
ya know the smoke doesn't penetrate much at all. so if its the smoke you can just cut off the outer part/crust. if its in the meat then its bad meat/brine/injection. did you just try the meat itself ?
Yeah, I hate to say it. They say you can't screw up a pork butt, but I'm here to tell you that you can.
In my early feeble attempts, I tossed more than I'd like to admit.

I did toss a rack of spares recently when I tried a new rub - it was awful. I know it wasn't the meat cuz I trimmed them St Louis style and cooking some of the trimmings with the beans and some with another rack with my 'standard' rub and they came out just fine.

The rub shall remain nameless since others here seem to think it's great.
Over brined and under colored/charred chicken thighs that got left in the refigerator too long.... From bad to worse...
The one and only try @ "I wanna be a brisket cut" i got from my butcher that had more fat then meat on it.
I smoked a small corned beef brisket that was horrible. Threw it out. That's what I get for ignoring all the recipes that tell you NOT to use a cryovac/marinated piece of brisket.
Overcooked some baby back ribs that should have been thrown away. Instead I put them in the chest freezer. I'll eventually throw them away. (It's just so hard to throw out expensive meat)
Yep, I tried to make my own pork rinds on a very bad Char-Broil smoker. Due mostly to my own inexperience at the time I threw out a rather large pork belly.
Another vote for Beef Ribs.
They just are too greasy for my tastes. My cut wasn't the best either, too stringy. Just weren't my thing (and probably a lot of cook error).
Overnight brisket when I forgot to wake up. Water ran out, temperature obviously spiked. Internal temp probably hit 225. Like cutting through leather.
A few years ago, I used wine oak staves, to smoke a turkey. Big mistake. The oak was way too strong, for the turkey, the meat was un edible.
I tried spares on my chargriller, indirect heat, had no idea what I was doing and they came out horrible. Tasted like ham (which I do not like). Way too chewy. Not bueno whatsoever. In the trash they went.

Hopefully my second attempt goes much better
Does disintegration count? Before I got my WSM, I once put a mess of short ribs on the gas grill (on low), went back into the house. Checked on them an hour later. Apparently, the fat from the ribs caused a flare-up, which turned into a seriously super-hot fire. Because when I opened the lid, all that was left was white ash and a few slivers of bleached white bones.

