Egg McBob using grandson Blake's brisket


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Some of you might remember my bbq buddy, grandson Blake.
Here he is 6 years ago at age 15:


At age 21 he has his own house, a serious girl friend, and a busy life, so we don't get together to que as often as we use too, but like his grandpa, he's still at it.
Yesterday my daughter dropped off some brisket he cooked, it was excellent on this morning's egg McBob!

Here's a pic my daughter took before slicing.
Eleven pounds cooked around 14 hours at 225.



We had plans for a joint bbq this spring, looks like those plans will have to wait a bit.
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Great photos Bob. Looks like your grandson could have played some ball. If that amazing looking brisket was just "part" of a brisket it must have started off at least a 20 pounder. Love the McBob. We lost a joint birthday bbq (son and grandson) too.
You've taken the McBob to a whole new level with that one.
You're not alone Bob my son his wife and the two grandkids were going to come out from California but not now, it will be awhile.
I love seeing a young pitmaster from the new generation. You must be a very proud grandpa. Sorry you couldn’t enjoy it together, but man that Egg McBob looks fantastic

