Easter Ribs&Jerky


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
since everything else in life these days are beyond weird, i have decided to smoke some jerky & spare ribs in place of traditional ham or kielbasa...
got the 22"WSM set up with Weber briqs and hickory wood.


eye of round beef sliced about 6mm thin/thick then marinaded in PS Garlic/Pepper jerky seasoning...
follow instructions for more info


gently placed each piece on a grid then on the WSM...


smoked for 1½ hours then placed in the dehydrator to complete the job.
yes, it is danggumgood :)


then... dropped the ribs in place...seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder.


after 3 hours, i wrapped them in beautiful pink butcher paper, some call it magical and i agree.


after 1½ hours, i removed the BPW and added sliced-in-half Yukons taters....


...and... after another 2 hours, the ribs and the spud halves were done.
i meticulously sliced the ribs...


...then served up with some wonderful roasted carrots & broccoli my adorable wife Liz made.
She also scattered those onions things over everything again.
Not to mention the awesome taters that came off the awesome WSM! Smothered in REAL Wisconsin Butter!


GeeWhiz, folks... Thanks a boatload for coming by, i truly appreciate everyone here!
Have a SuperDuperTerrific Tuesday or whatever day you may read this!!
Standout ribs, Jim! Good looking smoke ring, nicely sliced, and a great looking plate with the taters and veggies! I've never used butcher paper on ribs (or anything else for that matter), than again, I don't foil either. What's the benefit in your opinion? Retain some moisture without making the bark soggy? Other?

Standout ribs, Jim! Good looking smoke ring, nicely sliced, and a great looking plate with the taters and veggies! I've never used butcher paper on ribs (or anything else for that matter), than again, I don't foil either. What's the benefit in your opinion? Retain some moisture without making the bark soggy? Other?
Also keeps the ribs from sucking in the moisture as foil does, in my opinion, which also makes the meat fall off the bones... something i try to avoid.
Both look excellent Jim, I'd take that plate any time. Never tried PBP or any other BP now that we received our stimulus money maybe I'll splurge and get a roll and give it a try.

EDIT: Just ordered some PBP from Amazon, doing ribs on my birthday next week and I don't care if it's -40 with hurricane winds and snowing there will be ribs for dinner.
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