Dutch oven pot roast on the weber!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Howdy folks! Seen a few folks working th CI on their grills so I thought we would do the same! Started with this recipe from Paula Dean(love her down home cooking!)

I have done this lots in the oven!! Super good! Ok so here is the set up!

Then we seared a 2 lb chuck roast rubbed with Paula's house seasoning ( which just happens to be the same I keep in the cupboard for steak!)

Then we did up the onion and garlic!

And in the pot and simmering!

Had a couple of these cause this was going to take a bit!

If any body was wondering... I filled the bricks with about 12 hot coals and got us to about 325(cold and wet today)
Ok then after about 2 hours we got the other 22 fired up with some golden taters, butter and S&P!

Roast looking yummy!

Taters getting close so we added some fried apples!

Biscuits took a bit as the coals were running low!

And all served up!Did some soaked cucumbers as well!

Was a super down home CI meal!! Try this recipe! It's the bomb!!!

Sorry the plated picture came out kind of crappy but the meal was so good!!

Take care! Have a great week!
Nice cooking! Its great to have a cold weather dinner in August without heating up the house. As for the beer... looks like your making your way back to the mainland US.
Love the idea of the dutch oven on the weber! Nice cook...and I am going to have to try the Stout Too!
I'm drooling over here! Wonderful looking roast. And those taters are to die for.
That is my kind of down home, comfort food, gravy on your shirt, slap your thigh, close your eyes with every bite, cooking Morgan!
I'm plumb wore out, and I didn't even get a bite!
Wow, that looks incredible. Little warm down here in Dixie for that meal just yet...Give me a few months and I'm all over it!

Great post!
I promise I will use my Dutch Oven more this fall and winter...
Morgan, this all looks FANTASTIC!!
Cast Iron Cookin' is soo much FUN!
My DO isn't a nice one like yours (Lodge)... i may hafta ask for a Lodge this comin' October...
say, waddya doin' with all those wine bottle closures? ;)
Awesome Morgan! I almost slipped in my drool! I'm going to have to subsribe to this and save in my folder!! You crushed that one buddy:cool:
Thanks for all the great replys! After looking at the pictures again they didn't do this cook justice! One of the best chuck roasts I have had! Perfect fall apart...super mushroom gravy!

I learned a couple things! Cast iron makes a mean pot roast! I need a lid holder on the OTS as I kept on trying to slide it off on the walk! And Alaskan stout and vodka does not mix well!

Jim this little DO is sweet! I have a few but picked up this one just for the grill! The lid doubles as a great 10 Inch handless pan!

Oh my wife saves the corks for projects like cork boards! I just like to drink the wine!
Terrific...lots of great ideas and new uses for the kettle...I love this place...where the food is a fresh as the beers... I mean ideas!

