Disco Spiedini and Schnitzel -cheesy tater sticks & tots



TVWBB Platinum Member
The other day I took out what I thought was two chicken breasts. Turned out I grabbed one breast and one pork chop. Plan was to make chicken spiedini. Decided to make the spiedini for the wife and schnitzel for myself.

I haven't used the discada burner in a month or so. Was going to use the discada but opted for the paella pan. I had to have sautéed homemade sauerkraut, apples and onions with my schnitzel.

For the other side dish I made cheesy tater sticks. Here is the recipe for that (i made a double batch). These could be baked but I like them fried.

500 grams of mashed taters (russets work best)
80 grams of grated cheese ( I used three blend mexican) I also added 1/4 cup of Parmesan
100 grams corn starch (You may not need all of this mix in slowly adding a bit at a time).
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Any other spices you may like
chopped fresh parsley

Peel and boil taters. Mash taters. Allow to cool. I like to mix with my hands. You want the taters to be luke warm. Lightly coat cheese with corn starch. Add cheese, spices and parsley and mix in. Slowly add in rest of corn starch. You want the mixture to hold together and not be too dry.

For sticks roll out dough into 1/2" thick slab. Using a pizza cutter or knife cut into 1/2" strips. For tots pinch off a small amount and form into tot or ball.

Place on parchment lined baking sheet. Place into freezer (this optional, but I feel they fry better if partially or fully frozen). If you plan on not cooking right away package them and keep in freezer. Just like store bought frozen taters no need to thaw prior to cooking.

Heat you oil if frying to 325°-350°. Vegetable or peanut oil works best. Working in batches cook until golden brown.

For baked preheat oven to 425°. Cook on parchment lined baking sheet until golden brown. Flipping once during cook

If frying fish or meat cook after taters in same oil.



Frozen and ready to fry








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They both look and sound great Case. Not sure which appeals to me more. Guess I'll just have to try them both.

Thanks Cliff. I'm pretty split on the meat, I could go either way.

For the taters I have always made them into tots or little cakes. Just saw people making sticks. I used too much corn starch so mine were a bit dry which made rolling out a bit more tricky. Then the sticks wanted to fall apart when I moved them to the baking sheet. I probably should've rolled out the dough on the sheet. Froze for a bit then cut them up.

For ease of making I'll probably stick with the tots or mini cakes from now on. We are a tater tot loving family!
Whoa, everything looks and sounds awesome. Love schnitzel! Also jealous ‘cause we don’t fry anything. Not that we don’t love fried food, I’m just WAY too lazy for the cleanup that follows 😂
Whoa, everything looks and sounds awesome. Love schnitzel! Also jealous ‘cause we don’t fry anything. Not that we don’t love fried food, I’m just WAY too lazy for the cleanup that follows 😂
That’s why I fry outside and usually in cast iron. Dump the oil quick clean and done.
So you don't try to use the oil for a second cook? How much oil was in the pot?

For this cook I had 2-3 cups. If I’d used my 10” Dutch oven I’d probably had a cup and a half to 2 cups. You don’t need much 1”-2” is all .

as for reuse depends. I always cook veggies before proteins when I cook with oil. So with this cook I did three batches of fries then the chicken then the pork. For me I count that as three cooks.
I’m kind of picky about my oil. If I plan on cooking proteins again within a few days I’ll filter it into a container. But only if I’m doing large batches and am using a ton of oil.

I prefer to not cook veggies again in oil that’s had meat in especially fish. Learned that habit from one of my favorite fish and chip places working their dryers for fund raisers. They had separate dryers for the veggies and separate fryers for the fish. They dropped the oil every night and cleaned them and started with fresh

for me a couple cups of oil once or two times a month isn’t a bank breaker.

