Dessert for my Wife's Dinner


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
My wife had a pot luck to go to last night and she was running a little behind and asked if I would do the cake for her. It was a Pear and Almond Cake. I checked out the recipe and was glad to do it. Of course I baked it out on my WSM. What else is new? A few pic's.

Getting the nice, ripe pears sliced up.

Lined the bottom of spring form with the pear slices.

Covered the pear mix with batter which included the usual stuff plus 7 oz. of Almond Paste, cup of butter, six eggs and vanilla and almond extract.

Got it on WSM at 325 degrees. Took a while to get up to temp. Filled water pan 1/3 full.

After 50 minutes, still not done in center.

About 20 more minutes did the trick. Tooth pick clean.

Pulled ring and let cool in fridge.

Got on cake tower and dusted with powdered sugar.

Cake came out very moist and good. My last cook on this WSM was some baby back ribs. I was a little concerned the cake might taste a little "meaty", but I scrubbed the grate really well and it just tasted wonderful. The versatility of the WSM is amazing. Thanks for looking.
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A very impressive cook Cliff, too bad it's just cake, cutting it with your new knife would be overkill, lol

You have pear trees on your property? I used to have access to a pear orchard to bow hunt deer. You would have thought those Black Tails were Mulies, they got so big eating pears
Looks great! My wife and her mother just got done canning all the pears we got off of our two trees. Just over 80 quarts! I'll have to try out a pear cake.
Wow! I am amazed by what some of you do with the WSM. When I purchased my WSM,mother farthest thing from my mind was using it to bake a cake. After seeing that, however, it seems like something I gotta try.
Cliff, that is one awesome cake! I have a pan like that, will have to give it a try. Looking at the pics with the pears in first is the bottom a different color? It looks like a linner or something is on the bottom. Just checking before I try it, thanks.
Barb, that is a piece of parchment paper you see. Use the bottom of the pan to trace a circle and cut it out. I buttered the bottom of the pan, placed the parchment on that and then buttered the parchment. When the cake is cooled, remove side of pan. Flip, using a cooling rack over the top, and gently remove the bottom and the parchment. I've never done this before, but with the pears on the bottom, the bottom might pull the pears away from the cake. You can serve it either way, pears up or down.

