Deck or Driveway.....thoughts?



New member
So i just got the WSM 22.5 today and it's assembled and probably one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen. Having never worked with charcoal before I have a question that may seem stupid to all of you professionals out there, but i have to ask.

Is it safe for me to use the smoker on my deck or should i just use my driveway? What do you all recommend?

Both are acceptable. But you should put something underneath it on the deck (I use 12"x12"x2" concrete pads, 4 of them in a square). Keep an eye on it on the deck or at least be in proximity...don't leave the house for extended periods of time.

On the driveway, you should also put something underneath to protect the drive from any grease drippings that might make their way out of the smoker.
Mine is on the concrete patio on top of some pavers. It's at least four feet from trees, fence and pool.


You beat me to it. I was drafting my post to mention the one by RickRS and the burning deck when I saw yours.

Glad I'm on concrete and away from the house.

thanks for the link and info guys.....driveway it is then...

now i'm wishing i had a concrete patio out back....but the front of the house will work well, and then all my neighbors will be able to see the WSM and be jealous.....going to do some chicken this weekend for my first smoke on this sucker...
On the edge of the patio, which has nearly 10' to the bottom of the patio cover. Nice to be out of the heat & rain when I want to grill/bbq.
I personally would never use charcoal any thing on a wood deck. You have wind and hot ashes from charcoal chimney and the smoker / grill.
I have use mine on my concrete patio and I have never had any problems with grease spilling or anything. I don't have a wood but if I
I did I would be hesitant.
I have been grillin and bbqin for over 20 years on my deck. I maybe wrong...but there it is.
For the smoker, I have it on an oil drip pan, 2' by 4', that i got from a local auto store...the deck doesn't even get warm...I understand that the newer WSM has a heat shield as well.
Do as you thinks best.
I would choose a driveway over a deck any day. I have smoked on my deck, but I've never been comfortable with it. I'm sure it's a one in a million chance that something will go wrong, but are you feeling lucky? It's just not worth it.
What's to stop the same ember from flying out of the chamber on a deck, from flying out of the chamber on concrete and lighting a nearby tree or dry brush?

It's all about using your head. Don't leave a charcoal lit grill unattended. Have a fire extinguisher or a ready to go garden hose near. Even a couple buckets of water on standby.
I grew up grilling on a deck, now I don't have one so the choice is easy. It really just depends on what you feel comfortable with but accidents can happen anywhere. Just make sure that yor fire isn't unattended.
For me I use my WSM on the drive way since I keep the smoker in the garage when not used. Hey thats where the beer is anyways
I've grilled on wooden decks for years and haven't had any issues b/c i always have had a large grill pad underneath the grill. Charcoal has a tendency to fly about when I dump it from the chimney starter.
To those who say it's okay but never leave your fire unattended:

First, what about an overnight? I like to get some sleep

Second, have you ever seen how fast a fire can get out of control?

All I'm saying is that I've done it but it's one of those things that is inherently never "safe".
I don't do much overniters, and most of the time I set-up my 18.5" WSM on my drive. But when its cold and or windy I will pick a spot on my deck, rite outside my back door.
When I do I like to use this type of set-up. Its a 17 gal metal washtub which is tall enough to shield the bottom vents from any breeze and contain any stray hot ashes or coals from falling out.
Its similar to this , I don't know if they have wider ones to fit a 22.5 though.


