Bill F in Ontario
Closed Account
We do manufacture more than just maple syrup and hockey players in the frozen tundra for what it's worth Broil King gas grills are also manufactured in North American factories located in Huntington Indiana, Dickson Tennessee and Waterloo Ontario and The Napoleon Grill is manufactured at two locations in North America: Ontario, Canada, and Kentucky, USA.Totally agree LMichaels.
Pretty bad when the Canadians (Napoleon & Broil King) are showing up the Americans (Weber) when it comes to BBQs.
My friend told me that Onward Manufacturing used to be the Canadian supplier of Weber parts. They are the parent company and parts supplier to Napoleon and/or Broil King IIRC. They dropped Weber due to quality control & pricing issues apparently. Not sure what that actually means in reality. Not sure where the Canadian Weber parts come from now *shrug*
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