Country Style Rib and Stuffed Pobleno Chiles


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Spent the day smoking some Country Style Ribs. Late afternoon I stuffed the Chile's. Here are the pictures.

This is around 2 1/2 lbs of meat. These "ribs" are the cut up strips from the butt. No bones. Seasoned with. Smoker running at 250 with a large apple chunk.''

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The plan was to let these roll for around 4 hours. During that time I worked on some prep on the stuffed peppers. Busted out my Go Anywhere just to get some miles on


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Some Roma's got the same routine.

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Softened some white onion for the stuffing.

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Cored the tomatoes and combined with a large chipotle pepper and a spoonful of the sdobo sauce. Ran through the food processor. Put in a skillet and simmered it to thicken.
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At around 4 hrs. I pulled the meat.

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Placed in a cast iron skillet on a bed of onions. Brazing liquid was Stubb's Original BBQ Sauce and apple juice. Back on smoker and covered the skillet tightly with aluminum foil. Let it roll a couple more hours.

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Got the peppers stuffed with white rice, goat cheese, plumped raisins and the grilled onion. Every time I do this cook I read the cautionary note not to over cook the peppers, you want to try and save the structure. And every time I do this cook, I do exactly that. They're still delicious though, just a little tougher to stuff.

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Meat's about done.

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You must snack a lot to take all those pics. :cool: I start threads planning to take a lot of photos and then hunger kicks in.

Nice work.

