CI Chicago Style Deep Dish Pie

That looks wonderful. Question on the coal setup. How come drip pan and no coals directly under pan?
I always have a drip pan in the kettle when using the char-baskets, in this case it was there to prevent spillage since I had the CI filled to the top. I would not place charcoal underneath as it would probably burn the crust. Due to the size of my CI the next time I make one of these, I will opt to just bank the coals on one side only & then rotate the pie every 10-15 minutes.
As someone who made chicago style pizzas, details!!!

I basically did a hybrid of the following dough recipe that I found on the pizzamaking forum:

1 pckg. Yeast

2tsp sugar

1 cup warm water

¼ cup shortening

¼ cup cornmeal

3 cups of flour

1.5 tsp salt

Sauce was San Marzano tomatoes

The rest can be found in the link below of the one I did last year, just follow the pic’s.

Looks every bit as good as the one the wife I had in Chi town a few years back. A big plus is I would not have to drove 4 or 5 hours to eat it.
Love that CI crust and all the toppings look sp good.
Great cook.
Just picked up a super deep 12" CI skillet, I think I know what the first cook in it will be.
Because your pie looks awesome.

