Chuck Eyes with Whiskey Peppercorn Sauce


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I read a post in the photo gallery from Bill Schultz called “Tenderloin with whiskey peppercorn sauce” I had two nice chuck eyes and wanted to try something different, so I decided to uses Bill’s peppercorn sauce recipe, thank you Bill.
I used a little EVOO, salt, pepper garlic powder and onion powder on the steaks and let them come to room temperature. For sides we had honey glazed carrots and a small baked potato. Barb made the carrots and I got the sauce started (no pictures of the sauce as Bills post goes into great detail if your interested) then outside to cook the steaks. I would have done everything on the grill but if some of you remember my last adventure in grilling, remember KABOOM I decided until I get some better lighting out there I’ll keep it simple and do the sides in the house.
Bill I’ve got to say that sauce is outstanding and worked perfectly with the steak and potatoes.







Thanks for taking the time to look and wishing you all a Happy New Year

