Chops, Spuds and Trees


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
The veggie ingredients. Potatoes are called Sunrise Medley.

The chops were marinated for about 8 hours and then seasoned with BBQ Savor.

Potatoes were seasoned with Way Out West and Garlic pepper. Then given a light coating of olive
oil. Broccoli was also seasoned with Way Out West and coated with lemon juice and then drizzled
with olive oil. Wrapped in an aluminum packet. Both put on the Performer, using KBB and 1 chunk
of hickory.

After about 20 minutes I put the potatoes directly over the coals to crisp them up and finish.

Potatoes and broccoli are done. Potatoes got a bit crispier then I wanted but the ones I sampled
were good.

Chops on indirect.

Chops are done at 145 internal. I did go direct with them at 135 but my fire wasn’t hot enough
to crisp up the fat. Next time more coals!

Here’s your plate!

Very tasty Monday night dinner. I will be doing this cook again.

Thanks for looking!
Nice work Mike...I love what you did here!! Those taters and veggies..shoot who am I all looks super!!

Outstanding chops, sides and pics Mike!
I hear you about the coals, many times I start with too few to get that sear at the end.

