Chops on the Q are a Gas!


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
First I have to show you these beautiful little yellow wildflowers I found blooming in the front yard.:rolleyes:

My Q hasn't seen daylight since I can't remember when.
Rain was imminent, so out she came.

Salt, sugar, and garlic powder brined, dried well, oiled, and sprinkled with Mrs Dash.


Rain started just when they were hitting my target temp.

Boiled reds, and corn sides.

Not as pink as the pic shows, they were just right.

Tasted great, just not as much fun as cooking over coals.

Thanks for looking in on this chilly Monday.
I'm making a pot of inside cooked chili for tonight's dinner.
I agree. Terrific looking meal. What kind of weather you got in Missouri? Those beautiful wild flowers are a month away in my area !
Looks great Bob. Can't wait for local corn around here... about those weeds. If you keep em cut short, they look like grass. ;)
Another great one bob...Chops looks PERFECT! About those cool looking exotic flowers,Can you send me a bag of seeds. I would love to plant those in a small restricted area of my yard ;)
Perfect looking cook with those Chops. I have been a purist for several years with charcoal only but I am considering adding a weber gasser for the quick cooks such as this one.

