Chinese Destroying BBQ Grills Because of Pollution?



Is this beyond stupid?

I saw this article today.

I guess it is too much to ask the Chinese to reduce auto & truck emissions. I visited Beijing last Aug. We landed around 1pm local time and I mistook the heavy fog for smog. I guess they have to start somewhere. :confused:
Problem is.. over there as well as other third world countries, most BBQ are home made.. a lot of times the persons are unaware of the types of materials to use.. Unfortunately, a lot of scape metal are made into BBQs and most of it is galvanized steel.. which is hazardous when voparize (over 700F)...
My SIL is in Shanghai right now and sent a picture of a " sunny day ". It was unbelievable and I guess Beijing is much worse.
Those are some weird looking grills, almost like drawers from old filing cabinets and they do look galvanized.
I guess those folks are screwed if that's all they had to cook on.:confused:

Those are some weird looking grills, almost like drawers from old filing cabinets and they do look galvanized.
I guess those folks are screwed if that's all they had to cook on.:confused:


Yea Tim, unfortunately the rest of the World don't have the luxury as we do.. I've been to Vietnam as few times and they BBQ in old steel tubs with steel chicken wire for a grate.. this is at a street side restaurants.. Food smelled delicious and the grill looked old and well seasoned, so I wasn't too worried...
Yea Tim, unfortunately the rest of the World don't have the luxury as we do.. I've been to Vietnam as few times and they BBQ in old steel tubs with steel chicken wire for a grate.. this is at a street side restaurants.. Food smelled delicious and the grill looked old and well seasoned, so I wasn't too worried...

Yep, similar to grills I ate from at the old Maxwell Street market in Chicago.

They make a public splash with this "news bite" yet totally ignore manufacturing pollution. Very glad that I am lucky enough to live
here rather than there.
i'm not sure this was called for. most of the Chinese have very little and live the way they have for a loooooong time.
but the real issue is that most Chinese have very little option but to use coal or firewood.
how are they supposed to cook ?
plus its just a way for the government to "show" that they are doing something.
of course as usual they go against the poor and those that can't fight back.
can you imagine them going after the cars and manufacturing which is the real culprate ?

Maybe there trying to get there people to stop eating cats and dogs.......
I saw this on Yahoo and was dumbfounded!
Aside from being one of the most idiotic things I saw,IIRC,a lot of Asians use charcoal for fuel!
Grills are not the real problem in China. They are only a small portion of the pollution. When I worked there in the mid 90's, the air was full of pollution from the small stoves in the apartment kitchens. They burned bituminous coal to cook inside and had to have the windows open. The air was so bad I could not do my "daily walk" many mornings, particularly if there was an air inversion.
This was in Suzhou, the ancient silk capital of China. A beautiful city about 70 miles from Shanghai.
Interesting to see them tackle grills this way.
Hmm... the people who would have eaten the food cooked on those grills will presumably eat other food instead. That food will most likely be cooked, so what have they gained? I doubt the people whose grills were confiscated will replace them with nice, clean-burning gas grills.
Hmm... the people who would have eaten the food cooked on those grills will presumably eat other food instead. That food will most likely be cooked, so what have they gained? I doubt the people whose grills were confiscated will replace them with nice, clean-burning gas grills.

they'll just make another one...
I read the "cats and dogs" and originally thought it racist, but they do have this problem in China.

Although destroying BBQ grills seem bizarre to us q'ers, the article has brought about some interesting perspectives on the various problems/solutions to fixing the air.

I live in SoCal and we have had our share of bad air. The link below shows deaths due to FMP(pollution) over the years and China is in bad shape.

