Those are some weird looking grills, almost like drawers from old filing cabinets and they do look galvanized.
I guess those folks are screwed if that's all they had to cook on.
Yea Tim, unfortunately the rest of the World don't have the luxury as we do.. I've been to Vietnam as few times and they BBQ in old steel tubs with steel chicken wire for a grate.. this is at a street side restaurants.. Food smelled delicious and the grill looked old and well seasoned, so I wasn't too worried...
Maybe there trying to get there people to stop eating cats and dogs.......
Hmm... the people who would have eaten the food cooked on those grills will presumably eat other food instead. That food will most likely be cooked, so what have they gained? I doubt the people whose grills were confiscated will replace them with nice, clean-burning gas grills.