Chicken Pesto Paninis!


SteveF (Alpine)

Had some fresh pesto we needed to get eaten, so here we go. Grilled some boneless, skinless thighs on SmokeFire and sliced thin. Slathered some ciabattas with the pesto, added some red onions and pepper jack and put 'em in the press. Ta-da, 2-3 cups of pesto down in two days! Delicious!






Those look great. We don't have a panini press but we do have cast iron Le Creust griddle that works. We press with another cast iron pan and flip after one side is grilled.
Those look great. We don't have a panini press but we do have cast iron Le Creust griddle that works. We press with another cast iron pan and flip after one side is grilled.
Hey, that’s how we used to do them too. Still would be if we hadn’t inherited the press. And now we got to “pay forward” our Lodge grill pan to one of our buddies (y)
That is exactly the amount of pesto I would want on mine (please send some!). Used to be a restaurant back here that did pesto paninis, but their idea of a pesto slather was evidently just passing the pesto over the bread. Yours is just a great looking product man.
That is exactly the amount of pesto I would want on mine (please send some!). Used to be a restaurant back here that did pesto paninis, but their idea of a pesto slather was evidently just passing the pesto over the bread. Yours is just a great looking product man.
I wouldn’t have put that much if the wife didn’t first ;) soooo glad I did! Food coma followed shortly after🤣
Those look scrumptious. Last week I mede some chicken pesto linguini but didn't do any photos to share, we are knee deep in basil too and I will probably shamelessly steal your cook to use some more of it up.

