Can you see this pic?

It may be how the pic is coded. Doesn't seem likely but I found this reference from 2008:

SYMPTOMSWhen you open a Web page, one or more pictures may not be displayed. Instead, yo...When you open a Web page, one or more pictures may not be displayed. Instead, you see a red X or a placeholder of some type.

CAUSEThis behavior can occur if one of the following conditions is true: The Web page...This behavior can occur if one of the following conditions is true:
The Web page includes an image type that is not supported by Internet Explorer.
The Show Pictures check box is not selected on the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog box in Internet Explorer, or the Toggle Images.exe Web accessory was used to disable images in Internet Explorer.
The image is displayed based on a script, an ActiveX control, a cookie, a Java program, or HTTP referral information, and your computer or network is configured to block one or more of these features. For example, you may have Internet Explorer or Symantec Corporation Norton Internet Security (NIS) or Norton Personal Firewall (NPF) 2002 configured to block one or more of these features.

Internet Explorer cannot determine the character set (also known as the code page or encoding) that is used by the Web page, or a file or registry key that is required to display the Web page that has the appropriate character set may be missing or damaged. By default, Internet Explorer uses the character set that is specified in the HTTP content type that is returned by the server, the character set that is specified by the meta element in the Web page document, or your Encoding preference if no HTTP content type is returned by the server and no meta element is specified in the Web page document.

Having said that, I really don't know what to do other than converting your pic to jpg and linking that pic to TVWBB. All the above seems to relate to pics that are actually part of a web page and not a "user-added" pic like you're working with. Dunno.

Maybe the conversion that is taking place (cam to cell to upload) in the cell is adding some coding?

Bob, try this: take your pic but upload in a normal fashion to your desktop then transfer to your album and post that pic. Eliminate the cell as a probable cause.
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Thanks Len for all your efforts and info.
Best I can tell the pics are jpeg from my android phone, and for sure from the camera.
I tried looking through settings, as Tim suggested, to no avail.
Looks like if I use my cell, or even camera to cell to computer, they will need to be downloaded to the hard drive software, then back up.
This stuff is way above my expertise. :)
What, no Pentax?
bought the little guy for $90 refurbed, originally $300.
kind of funky but fun.

Does your powershot use an SD card? Have a card reader? Failing that, you should have got a patch cord with your camera (mini plug on one end, standard USB on the other). Transfer your pics that way to your PC and upload from there.

I've taken pics with both my tablet (upload direct to web) or my canon ps that I then have to take the sd card out etc. No issues.

Patch cord is a PITA but it is a solution.
My usual method is to go card to laptop computer, and I can do that with the Canon, but was looking to avoid that extra step.
At times I would like to use the cell's pics too.
Befuddled that others post from their phones with no problem.
pics from android are jpg but something is happening in the cell . How are you getting the pic to your cell? WIFI? If so, why not WIFI it to your laptop?
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No pic here Bob. Just a blue square with a question mark in it. (Mac/Safari here).

Have you been fiddleing about with it, & you don't know what you've done? ;)
(99.9% of the time that is my problem. :confused:).
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Thanks Tony.

Nope, pics that come from my cell to my laptop's online storage show up fine for everyone on FB, emails, etc
but here they might show for awhile for some folks, then disappear.
Same thing happened using Amazon's photo cloud.
Since they changed from Picassa to Google photos it's been different for sure. Used to select my Samsung phones pics and upload to Picassa Web Albums using a free app.
Now any and all pics I take show up automatically on Google photos, but all my old pics from Picassa don't. I know there still out there somewhere because they still show up in my old posts.

Last week my Picasa cloud albums went into an archive mode, tough to find anything there now, but all the pics are still there.
I turned off the auto download to Google pictures on my Samsung, tried sending a pic to myself in an email, then posted it from my email.
Checked to see if it was showing using my Kindle Fire, it wasn't, so I deleted the post.

