Cabin Ribeyes and fresh focaccia


Richard S

TVWBB All-Star
Did a quick one night trek into the cabin with a couple feet of fresh snow. Prepped some steaks 🥩 for the kettle. IMG_0090.jpegFired up the old 22 with some Kingsford and a little oak. Made the usual Cabin Manhattan!IMG_0097.jpegIMG_0094.jpegWent indirect then did a good sear. IMG_0095.jpegIMG_0099.jpegIMG_0101.jpegIMG_0102.jpegDid this TJ’s rice that I have stashed away for nights like this IMG_0091.jpegSliced and served with some roasted cauliflower. IMG_0104.jpegIMG_0105.jpegStarted some focaccia at the cabin then transported via sled and vehicle back to civilization.IMG_0114.jpegIMG_0116.jpegDipped it in some new olive oil I ordered from Puglia, Italia. IMG_0118.jpegCheers!IMG_0089.jpeg
WOW! Now that's getting it done nicely. Love that creek shot too. I was down by Bridges Creek yesterday, had a Rainbow chase my lure, but didn't bite. Either I'm getting dumber, or the fish are getting smarter, because I can't fool them for nothing
WOW! Now that's getting it done nicely. Love that creek shot too. I was down by Bridges Creek yesterday, had a Rainbow chase my lure, but didn't bite. Either I'm getting dumber, or the fish are getting smarter, because I can't fool them for nothing
That's the Upper Rogue River...tons of trout in the summer but they are not active in the winter and it is usually late June when they start biting after water levels drop and the water clears up.

