Busy, but still cookin'!


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Hey, all! Haven't been posting much, but I still check in most days. Saw Chuck's recent check-in, so thought I'd throw my own in there......

Some Picanha (salt/pepper seasoning, 300F until 125 IT, sear to finish)


A full load on the pellet grill, the chicken led to the enchilada "lasagna" (used my Chile Colorado sauce in place of "enchilada" sauce)


Some beef chuck short ribs (about 10 hrs @ 230F)


......and some Memorial Day spares (about 6 hours at 240F, no wrap, sauced to finish)


Happy cooking everyone, hope your summers are shaping up well!!!

Good to see your great looking cooks again, RG!
Sure wish Cliff Bartlett and several others not posting lately would give us a visit.
Thanks, Bob, and agreed! I miss a lot of folks' posts, too. Knowing how busy I've been, I'll just assume the same is going on with them, and we'll see them drop in again soon!

Rich, EVERYTHING just looks so DELICIOUS!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing with us, wish it was in real life.
Looks awesome, Rich. Glad to see being busy isn't affecting the quality of your eats.
Rich, it all looks great but what I really want is a corner piece of that enchilada lasagna!
Yeah, that was a good one. It's an Alton Brown recipe if you care to look for it, but it's pretty much just layers of corn tortilla, chicken, sauce, cheese, repeat..... :)

So good to see a post from you! Not a bad photo or cook in the bunch. I got to go back to a no wrap pork rib cook. I keep saying I am going to go for it, and keep going for a wrap cook.

