Burgers Once Again


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Hadn't had burgers lately so I took care of that.

Made three patties with my ring and press from one of my Burger Pocket Press. Each patty weighed 4 oz. My wife wanted a single and of course I had to totally pig out and go with a double.

Fried some thick cut apple smoked bacon, store bought.

Some Cremini Mushrooms too.

Burgers on. Seasoned with S&P.

A little less light.


Swiss on my wife's and pepper jack on mine.

Onion Rolls tonight with a little toast.

Mandatory Tots for burger night.

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Great looking cook Cliff. Reminds me why I like home made burgers so much. Pics are great.
Love those burgers! Some fine eatin' going on right there.

It's quite likely SWMBO will be having this for dinner tonight.
Cliff, great looking burgers. I made burgers last night as well, although you put a lot more effort into yours.
Awesome looking burgers! Bonus points for the onions rolls with lettuce on the bottom to prevent the juices from turning the lower bun into pink goo. You clearly know your burger architecture, Cliff.
Great looking burgers. One of the classics that we eat about once a week off the grill. I just never get tired of cheeseburgers! Yours look outstanding!
Cliff, those burgers are awesome just pass one this way. Love everything on it but you are right needs onion rings.;)

