Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... COLD Weather and the WSM


Cy Murphy

TVWBB Member
Well guys, like it or not winter just ain't that far off. Cold weather smokes with my 18.5 WSM haven't been what I would call consistent in that my temps are hard to maintain in 20 degree weather. I know that hasn't been a problem for many of you so if you don't mind sharing I'd love to hear about your methods.

Thanks, Cy.:)
A wind break and a welder's blanket are about the best i've seen. I really don't have the cold problem here in Bama but we do get some wind.
Keep it sheltered as much as you can. I've had better success using my kettle in the past and so paid more attention to using it. I bought the Guru blanket, it helps but I found out it was really designed with an ATC in mind.
Just avoid the wind. First cook in mine was an over nighter about 5 above. Ran 260 all night

