Jon Tofte
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Jon I'm talking about Broil king. They sell at Lowes but also at many grill specialty stores. I've only seen broil master at my local grill specialty store. The specialty store in my area sells broil king, broil master, and weber.
Both are made in the USA. Broil master grills are more expensive.
It is the broil king grills that make extensive use of magnetic SS.
Thanks, Greg! Like I said, I pretty much expect that. Their grills do look decent and have some nice features. Maybe a buyer would be better off with one of the black ones instead of all that stainless on the hood, etc. Still at least a worthy Weber competitor compared to the chinajunk at the big box stores.
I hope that Broilmaster uses high grade stainless. Looking at their website that was the impression I got, but I don't think I saw where they specifically affirm this. For a kind of homely grill at a very high price, they need to hit the quality construction part out of the park.