Steven Hubbard

TVWBB Member
Quick question . . .

I was preparing to make 6 slabs of BRITU ribs when I found out I only needed 3 slabs. Does the extra rub keep? I have it in an airtight container, and I plan to make the other 3 slabs next weekend.

Anyone tried keeping their rubs or is it better to make fresh?

Thanks. All the best,
No reason whatsoever why you can't keep it for several weeks or even longer. Sometimes a rub will cake together a little bit. When that happens I just take a chopstick and stir it around and then you are good to go.
Rubs will degrade some with time. In an air tight container they will last a long time. There's nothing in BRITU that will "go bad". It will just lose some of it's potency over time.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Steven Hubbard:
Quick question . . .

I was preparing to make 6 slabs of BRITU ribs when I found out I only needed 3 slabs. Does the extra rub keep? I have it in an airtight container, and I plan to make the other 3 slabs next weekend.

I keep mine in an airtight container for a month or more and it works fine. It's handy to dust on some porkc chops and even steak when I'm grilling during the week. Adds a great flavor.

Anyone tried keeping their rubs or is it better to make fresh?

Thanks. All the best,
Steven </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
If you put it in one of those cheap plastic containers you can get at the grocery for next to nothing, and then in to the freezer, it will last as long as you need it to!


