BRITU question


Jason Skrzypiec

New member
I've had my smoker for a couple weeks now, and yesterday I made the best ribs in the universe yesterday. This was my third smoke, and I had no problem keeping the temps exactly where I wanted them. I followed the directions to a T. I had about 1/2" of pull down around the bones, and they passed the pull test just right at about the 4 1/2 hour mark. They were extremely tender except.....The top of the meat side had a tough texture similar to how they would have been if the silverskin was on top of the meat. Has anyone else seen this problem? The meat inside was tender, just had a jerky like texture on the outer layer of meat. I didn't baste them or spray with anything according to the instructions. I'm thinking I may need to spritz them with some apple juice next time, unless someone else has any recommendations.

Thanks in advance.
evidently, they were not the "best ribs in the universe"
in my opinion, britu is overrated and too time consuming.
good ribs can be had without all the attention the britu recipe requires.
again, that's just my opinion.

Good luck with your next rack Jason, and welcome to the forum!
I never had that in my ribs but just keep smoking ribs and you will find something that works for you... My method that I use and like is the following.

Get the smoker at a temp of 225-250. Add 3 chunks of apple
Smoke for 2 hours then wrap in foil with brown sugar and honey, butter and apple juice for 1 hour. Unwrap and smoke until done. Bbq sauce is added when they are done and left alone for5 minutes.
Tony, sounds good. About how much each of brown sugar/honey/butter/apple juice would you put on a rack?

It looks something like this...
4 slices of butter, brown sugar sprinkled on top. Not shows is the honey but do 3 lines across and a splash of AJ maybe 1/4 cup and wrap tightly. Do this on both sides. But only use the AJ once.
I've ran into the same thing, even with foiling. I wonder if putting the bones up and the top down in the foil will cause this?

