Brew Day Ribs


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Today was Brew Day ...and the Brew Crew (me n SWMBO) is fueled on BBQ. So I rubbed some ribs and fired up some lump and set it and forget it. I bottled 5 gal of Holiday Ale and brewed 5 gal of Brown Ale.



Smoked with Peach.



SWMBO likes Trigg ribs.

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You are living the dream, Dwain! Homemade brew & perfect looking ribs, plus the help of a lovely brew assistant. :cool:
Dwain, those ribs sure look good,, excellent, ...can't comment on the brew, I'm allergic so the stuff, so I hope you enjoyed it.

Dwain the ribs look awesome, great job. What kind of Ale is the Holiday ale?

It's a Spiced Ale with clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. I like a malty beer vs a heavily hopped or stout beer. This is a nice change that will be ready when needed to deal with the whole famn damily in a few weeks. ;)

