BP prime brisket cook / Kingsford comp briquet fail


Monty House

Did a 13 lb. prime packer last week and was very happy with the results. 275-300 at the grate (I have a Tel-Tru glow thermometer mod) over pecan.

Used Kingsford comp briquettes for the first time and was disappointed; they burned relatively quickly and did not boost the heat like I expected. I seem to get the same, if not better, results from KBB.

Anyhow, trimmed and sprinkled with Montreal Steak seasoning. Water pan <1/4 full. 5:30 in the smoke and 1:10 in butcher paper. Probed just a shade under fully tender (about 208-210 in the thickest part of the flat via the Thermapen while still in BP). Sliced off point for BE's. Wrapped flat in foiled for 3+ hour rest. BE's were devoured, and the flat was moist and tender (while still passing the over-the-finger + tug test). Barely any leftovers.

The longer I cook, the simpler I get!

Two hours in

Flop the point off for BE prepping

Flat for sandwiches / sorry no closeups / it looks a lot drier than it was--moist, flavorful and nice smoke ring

BE's / people attacked them / GONE!!
Great looking brisket. Interesting to hear that the comp charcoal didn't work well for you. I've had really good experiences with it. But the good news is that the old KBB is inexpensive and consistent.
Awesome looking Brisket, and those burnt ends are to die for! Doing BE's this weekend for my wife's family gathering, hope they turn out that good!
These Prime briskets are killing me. I keep looking at Costco but alas, there never are any. That is a gorgeous cook Monty. Aggressive cook too. Did you put the burnt ends back on the smoker for an hour or two after cubing and saucing?
Excellent cook Monty, the flat and the BEs look terrific. Never tried the comp charcoal but I've read a few comments that say the same thing you experienced.
The brisket looks perfect. Good job.

I think K Pro is better used for grilling. It's good stuff.

