Bistec encebollado con calabacitas con elote

I like it. My mother lives 4 miles away from me. When I pick up my kids sometimes I see what's she's working on and that's when I remember the recipe and make it. I just reminisce when I was a kid and I would always help her.

This is her exact quote she would tell people that saw us cooking together. " I'm teaching him how to cook in case he marries a woman that can cook or if his single he won't need a woman to cook for him."

I have been her helper since I can remember.

The funny thing is that my sisters can't cook anything decent. You know what I have never ate a meal that they prepared.

She taught you well. As always your food is gorgeous but the tradition and stories that go along are priceless. I just love your cooking.
Tony and Maribel, you guys have been knocking it out of the park lately! That's cool to hear the stories about your mom. Reminds me of my mom and grandmother doing the same with me! Still amazes me people who can't even boil water! Your kids will be set for life learning from you guys!

