Been awhile since I smoked a fatty


Ken Chapman

My kids were asking when I was going to cook a fatty again. To be honest I forgot all about how easy and delicious they are. I had some pizza fixins left over and I thought, lets it do it.

I rolled out the Italian sausage in the ziplock bag. This has got to be the best/easiest way of doing it.

I then cut opened the bag and laid the sausage on some plastic wrap and placed some provolone cheese on it.

Then came the sauce and pepperoni. Then added the sauteed onions, peppers, mushrooms and ham.

I also added a Lagunitas IPA to me

I topped it off with some creamy goat cheese. mmmm good stuff!

Rolled it up

Wrapped in bacon and tightened it all up with the plastic wrap

When the mini was all fired up with KBB and Apple wood, I set it on the grill and waited for the smoke gods to do their business

I had some extra space so when I opened the lid to put the thermo probe in. I added a couple of ABT's. Not the best bacon wrap job but it worked just fine.

The ABT's were eaten before I was able to get a picture but the fatty sliced up nice.

and the whole reason for this cook...some very happy kids. The wife and I were able to eat one slice before they devoured the rest in under five minutes.

Happy Smokin'
Great post! Those are a couple of FINE lookin' young people and they KNOW what "good eats" are, don't they?

Nice job, in every way!

Keep on smokin',
Great post and thanks for sharing. I still have not done one of these yet, but it is on my smoke To Do list.
Thank you all for the kind words. My wife says I spoil the kids with too much good food. I say you're only young once so you better enjoy it. Have a great weekend everyone and get outside and cook! oh yeah, take pictures and share with the rest of us.
I say you're only young once so you better enjoy it.
Ken, teach them the steps of BBQ and they'll take it with themselves forever!
They don't only have to eat good food now... :D
Ken that is fantastic looking will have to give that a try.;) We just won't tell the doc when we see him. Great looking kids!!!
That looks great. A fatty is still on my to do list. Why I haven't done one yet on one of my 04:30 smoking mornings I have no idea.
Ya might need to make two fatties next time!
I'm with you: give your kids all of everything you can. Your love, an education, great food...etc.

