Beef Short Ribs


William Landreth

TVWBB Member






Deliciously done William. I had some good dinosaur ribs at Stickeys BBQ in Jersey just a few weeks ago. Yours look better!
Awesome smoke ring! Great looking ribs! Just S&P?

Basic rub of sea salt, Telicherry Pepper, granulated garlic, cayenne and Mexican Oregano. That sat overnight and right before hitting the smoke, I put on a heavy crusting of coarse Malibar Pepper in the style of Louie Mueller BBQ in Taylor, TX.
Nice ribs to start with, nicely marbleized (sp?)
Great bark
Great Smoke ring
Great Cook, good job!
For those that requested recipe and technique...

Pretty simple recipe to follow.

These were straight out of CryoVac and they came trimmed of their surface layer of fat. I would like to have had the fat intact, but beggars cannot be choosers at Kroger.

1. About 8 PM the night before the intended cook, I removed the plates and dry throuroughly.
2. Apply a liberal amount of rub (recipe below) and put on a wire rack over a sheet pan.
3. Back into the refrigerator until smoke time.
4. At 0600 I got the Ranch Kettle set up for indirect smoking using mesquite hardwood lump charcoal and big chunks of pecan.
5. Once I had good smoke, I removed the ribs from the fridge and gave them a heavy coating of coarse Malibar pepper. Off to the smoker over a large aluminum pan filled with water.
6. I ran between 225 and 250 for four solid hours replacing the pecan chunks as necessary to maintain smoke.
7. At the four hour mark, I removed from the Ranch Kettle and placed into a 225 deg F oven and let them ride it out. Took an additional six hours to get up to 200 deg F internal on the beasties.
8. I foiled for transport over to Denny’s.

Rub Recipe:
1 Cup of Sea Salt from Costco
1 Cup of finely ground Telicherry pepper
1 TBS Cayenne Pepper
1 TBS finely ground Mexican Oregano
1 TBS Granulated Garlic (Giggidy)

I served it with ‘baked potatoes in a pan’:
Yukon Gold Potatoes, mashed with skins on
Heavy Cream
Sour Cream
Cheddar Cheese
House Cured Berkshire Bacon
They look awesome. I'm dying to try cooking some but I never see them for sale around here. I guess I need to ask the butcher.

