For those that requested recipe and technique...
Pretty simple recipe to follow.
These were straight out of CryoVac and they came trimmed of their surface layer of fat. I would like to have had the fat intact, but beggars cannot be choosers at Kroger.
1. About 8 PM the night before the intended cook, I removed the plates and dry throuroughly.
2. Apply a liberal amount of rub (recipe below) and put on a wire rack over a sheet pan.
3. Back into the refrigerator until smoke time.
4. At 0600 I got the Ranch Kettle set up for indirect smoking using mesquite hardwood lump charcoal and big chunks of pecan.
5. Once I had good smoke, I removed the ribs from the fridge and gave them a heavy coating of coarse Malibar pepper. Off to the smoker over a large aluminum pan filled with water.
6. I ran between 225 and 250 for four solid hours replacing the pecan chunks as necessary to maintain smoke.
7. At the four hour mark, I removed from the Ranch Kettle and placed into a 225 deg F oven and let them ride it out. Took an additional six hours to get up to 200 deg F internal on the beasties.
8. I foiled for transport over to Denny’s.
Rub Recipe:
1 Cup of Sea Salt from Costco
1 Cup of finely ground Telicherry pepper
1 TBS Cayenne Pepper
1 TBS finely ground Mexican Oregano
1 TBS Granulated Garlic (Giggidy)
I served it with ‘baked potatoes in a pan’:
Yukon Gold Potatoes, mashed with skins on
Heavy Cream
Sour Cream
Cheddar Cheese
House Cured Berkshire Bacon