Beef loin flap meat steaks ???

Fajitas! That’s why it’s so expensive now. Everyone loves fajitas. It’s like Brisket prices. They are skyrocketing now that folks have learned to not cook it to shoe leather.
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Well, we can blame the internet, but the internet is how I learned to cook so I can't complain. Flap meat is getting pretty popular lately. I saw it pop up in my butcher shop just a few weeks ago.
I watch the "dog food section" (mark down section) in the meat departments and get my flank, skirt, beef roasts and tri tips they are usually at about $3.00 Lb. I've seen flap steaks there also but have never tried one...yet.
For us it would be kind of hard to spend $7.00lb. for something like flap meat when 2 or 3 times a year Safeway has whole in the bag bone in ribeye roasts and cut anyway you want for $3.99 a pound same with T-bones that look more like porterhouse for the same amount.
We made some fajitas using a T-bone marinated and sliced thin they were excellent.
How can it be that expensive?! It's ridiculous!
And speaking of types of steaks, I use this article to remind myself how to cook some types of steaks
Also, recently I bought good steak knives set and I cannot but sharing it))
Just look at this

