Barbacoa de Vaca Cabeza

Great Job Jim! Did you use the eye balls too? How did Liz like it?
That head was fresh,Rick slaughters steers on Thursdays.
Thanks for sharing Jim.

Just about everything that could be said, has been said so all I can say is WOW! Looks like a lot of work and fun, but with some great rewards. You SIR are a TRUE OLYMPIAN! I'll bet there's a lot of leftovers, nuthin' wrong with that, it's the gift that keeps on giving:wsm: Rock on with yo bad self!
Well, I have been watching this post from the beginning with somewhat of a morbid curiosity. And I think the only reason I've kept up with it is because it was Jim. With every update and photo, I was thinking that there was NO WAY would I ever eat that…..until I saw the plated pic. The way you put those together, Jim, I think I would actually try some of that!! A great post, Jim. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing your "plain ol' chops." I'm betting they will be anything but plain!!!

The beginning of the cook was questionable but it sure came together at the end Jim! Great looking tacos buddy! Nice way to bring it all together!!
congrats on the successful Q Jim. Amazing stuff and thanks for the running commentary. Those cabeza tacos look delicious. I tip my hat to you sir!
I think this post has gotten more looks and comments in 48 hrs.....this has to be the record! Way to go Jim..Bravo!
From the most gruesome of beginnings comes a beautiful plate. Great cook Jim!

w0w! you guys (+ gals) are really nice! Thank You!:o
I only did this cuz it was different... a long, involved smoke,.... something other than cookin' pulled pork.
And cuz the end product sounded, to me, very tasty! I love mmm:DMexican food, I only wish i knew how to make it! :D
Butt, i'll continue to try....
again, Thank you all soo very much for those kind words, I do truly appreciate them!:)Thank You!
I gotta say that the end results look much better than the beginning procedures!
Way to go Jim!
Yes I would take a bite:)

One problem, how are you gonna top this!!
wait, I'm not sure I want to know:p

