Bad idea chicken


Brad Olson

TVWBB Diamond Member
Awhile back I was in the mood for some chicken thighs with a black olive tapenade placed under the crust, but an inspection of the pantry showed that I was missing certain ingredients so I decided to improvise.

No anchovies? Ok, bacon's salty. No capers? Well, dill pickles are brined. No kalamata olives? No problem, there's a can of ordinary black olives in the cupboard.

The first thing I noticed was that the processor blade had warmed the bacon, so the mixture was a bit greasy. But that's OK, because it was bacon fat.

Everything all buttoned up and ready to go in the fridge overnight.

So at this point I was feeling pretty good. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and the tapenade didn't taste all that bad - it was different and a bit unusual, but not horrible. So the next afternoon I put the thighs on an indirect fire until they were done.

Never. Again. The chicken itself was OK and the skin got a little crisp, but the tapenade flavor definitely changed and not for the better. It was way too pickle-y and despite the ingredients, the salt just faded away.🤢 Lesson learned: some recipes are far less forgiving of substitutions than others!
That's to bad, mistakes do happen we all make them if it's any consolation they look really good! better luck next time.
So what your saying is you've been CHOPPED!

I threw together a meal a few weeks ago that went like that too. Definitely didn't make the rotation or even come close! I choked down the leftovers just so we didn't waste the meat!
Brad, what timing. I am just about to post my disaster with Old Bay and Cottage Cheese.

May we both have better luck next time. lol
I once cooked a pizza and burnt 1/4 of it, this is after i had been making pizzas for a few years Lol :)

