Well, I think I will be tossing that last hunk of bacon

Yesterday with the Bomb Cyclone on us I was out at first light after some coffee, breaking my back on that heart attack snow with that POS Toro Snowblower I wasted $1000 on. And funny also, I was listening to a health segment on the radio. They had a Dr on who was saying that anyone born in the 1970s should not be out shoveling snow. Hah! WTH does he think is gonna do it? Not to mention those of us who still remember celebrating VE day and VJ day as separate Holidays

Anyway after a couple hours of being soaked, back breaking work and frustrated with my new machine, I came in and figured a scrambled egg and bacon taco was in order. So I made lardons from a thick slice of my bacon, scrambled an egg in there as well, warmed a taco shell and had some breakfast while the snow piled up again. Dreading having to do it all over again multiple times. Anyway, last night I discovered the slab of bacon on the counter from that morning. IDK if it would be safe to use or not but having survived 2 VERY serious food poisoning events, I think I will err on the side of caution instead of a hospital trip

I guess had I actually "cured" it with the pink stuff it would more likely be safe. But even then I would still wonder