
Thanks again guys:)

the snake Dave... the snake works AWESOME!

jim , do you happen to have a photo of what that snake setup looks like in your WSM? I looked for threads on the method , but I came up dry for photos. Thanks,man.
edit: ok , never mind . I found a video on you tube....I'm just curious if your "snake" was 4 coals deep? Or two or three. To have the smoker stay at 140-150 , I mean. Thanks , bud.
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Frank, the neat thing about the snake meth is: you can add AND subtract unlit coal during your cook to raise OR lower your temp DURING the cook.

THIS bacon smoke, I actually used USED coal and stacked it 3 then two atop that... then one more on top of the two for good measure.
I wrapped the ring completely around the inside of the 22"WSM chamber leaving a small gap to add seven or so lit coals to start it. Wood for smoke atop the coal.

Normally using NEW coal (Kingsford), When I use the 22"WSM I go with two for a base and one atop the two with the wood scattered on that.

here is a photo of the TWO BRIQ set-up I used in Aug of '13 USING A KETTLE (heat closer to belly)

It's nice to see that some of you tries to smoke bacon at lower temperatures. Several years ago, I split a belly in half, and hot smoked one, and smoked the other half on a much lower temperature. The result was two different products.
If you are sure that your meat is safe, try the snake/low temps approach, as the bacon will taste different from what you are used to.

And as always, Mister Lampe, you are the king of Weber grills!

I have several post about smoking bacon on lower temperatures, this old thread is not spot on, but the pictures are intact:
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You might not like the reply, but I am a honest man. Maybe a bit too honest in some situations. Here we go-
Partly- I have been struggling with demons that no one but me can see, and try to conquer. Enough said, but I hope that none of you ever has to experience such a thing. It's depressing, brings no good, a time-waster regarding my time left on earth, and brings nothing than sadness to my life.
I have a crushed knee, been in and out if hospitals, but the last operation have relieved me from a constant pain, 24/7, so I'm off heavy painkillers, and I can actually walk for several meters without crutches every day. That's a great relief.
I would like to mention that I am privileged. I live in a country with a social security system that gives me the help that I need, and my life is improving. Day by day, step by step.

I might post a new thread with pictures before you know it! It's easier to do this when it is possible to stand om both feet, while beeing able to hold a camera with both hands. :)
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I have a crushed knee, been in and out if hospitals, but the last operation have relieved me from a constant pain, 24/7, so I'm off heavy painkillers, and I can actually walk for several meters without crutches every day.
Is it about your accident in the bathroom, you had mentioned?

Honesty and sincerity are the qualities of great personalities BTW;)
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this again is sad news Geir my friend... wish there was more I could help you with.
You have all my emotional support (for what it's worth) and my thoughts of you and your family with prayers!

Please be Strong and beat the **** outta the evilness that binds you.

You Are In My Prayers buddy....
Sorry to hear about your problems.
Mildo said it well, as did Jim.
Wishing the very best for you, and let me know when I can send you a special edition of my goldfish measuring spoons.:p
Take care.
Durn near perfect bacon there Jim. Excellent work.

ETA: Geir, I hope your recovery continues and wish you the best. Glad to see you posting.
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So you held the cooker at 140° and smoked the meat till it hit 140° internal meat temp? Also, did you brine or how did you prepare the pork belly before smoking?

Great pics.

