Bacon Grilled Cheese


Chris Lynch

TVWBB All-Star
I was inspired by another grilled cheese I saw on here the other day so I dug up some bacon scraps from the end of my last belly.

El Preggo with her sensitive tastes buds gets plain white american but I went with a blend of Gruyere and Maxx 365 cheeses

The turn

And done

I love grilled cheese, almost as much as love hot wings and tacos
El Preggo said, "Best grilled cheese ever."
Ya got me trying to bite my computer screen, Chris!!:) Great looking grilled bacon and cheese sammiches.
Great-looking sandwiches! I would've had to do a quality check on the bacon as it came out of the skillet, though.

BTW, Mr. Language Person says it should be "La Pregga".;)
Great-looking sandwiches! I would've had to do a quality check on the bacon as it came out of the skillet, though.

BTW, Mr. Language Person says it should be "La Pregga".;)

Haha...good catch, she certainly isn't masculine! But doesn't "El Preggo" sound more...ominous?? haha...
the problem i have here Chris, is.... there are ONLY two.
i've had grilled cheese manyMANYmany times in my life.... and guess what?

I eet lots of them.
can you/would you make like EIGHT more of those and lemme know when they're done?
they look AWESOME!!
butt two little guys, to me, are like those tiny crackers with that round fish egg stuff onum:p ......
the problem i have here Chris, is.... there are ONLY two.
i've had grilled cheese manyMANYmany times in my life.... and guess what?

I eet lots of them.
can you/would you make like EIGHT more of those and lemme know when they're done?
they look AWESOME!!
butt two little guys, to me, are like those tiny crackers with that round fish egg stuff onum:p ......

Yeah man...they may be small but the bacon makes them big!!! not to mention the half a pound of cheese I ate doing "quality control" but hey, thanks for not breaking my chops about the clean grates. :eek:

