Back to basics pork chops and taters


Timothy Hoffman

TVWBB All-Star
OK the back to basics part applies to the grill too.

I broke out the trusty EE 3 wheeler to make some boneless pork chops and crash hot taters for me and the Mrs.


Chops and taters cooking along nicely.


The end result. (Chops seasoned with Penzey's BBQ3000 and Cajun)

that's different than I've seen crash hots done before - did you nuke them or have them from another cook and just warm them up while doing the chops?
Clint, I nuke the taters for a couple minutes to get them semi soft. Hit them once with a potato masher. Then season with EVOO, salt & pepper. Onto the grill for the same time as the chops (10-15 minutes). They finish cooking through and get a nice crisp exterior with a fluffy inside.
That looks great, and I have never heard of crash hots! Gotta give them a try. :D

** Update **
I just found a recipe for Crash Hot Potatoes. I am definitely going to do some.
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Looks great Timothy! Local markets here have been having sales on assorted bone in pork chops for $1.19 pound. Can't beat the price and very tasty.

