Bachelor Tomahawk


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Well, just lil' ol' me for dinner, so no need for anything but a monster steak, right??? :) I threw caution (and $$) to the wind and picked up this giant tomahawk @ Whole Paycheck, and gave it a good dusting of Dizzy Pig Raising the Steaks:


Started it off indirect on the BEAST with the left two burners on Med:


When the internal was 115F, I cranked those two burners to high until the steak reached 120F, then started the sear. 90 seconds, 90 deg turn, 90 seconds, flip. Repeat.....


Carved up (don't worry, the spinalis dorsi was just hiding from this pic....)


My friend's dog (Willow) is gonna be happy!!!!!


Might have had (am having) some beer, too, but I digress. Very tasty!!!

Don’t know if I’m more jealous of the steak or the night alone.

That puts out some great grill marks, looks perfectly cooked.

Papes has some huge Wagyu tomahawks, maybe one day I’ll grab one.

