Just shy of 5pm:
I was thinking of hugging the guy but he dropped the box three times getting it from the truck to the door and looked ****ed when I offered to help. Oh well Merry Christmas to me I say....I am calling this Weber, Bertha:
Made a wind block out of the gasser in the back, the garage on the side and a set of drawers from the garage I was gonna trash on top of my cinder block pit to the other side. She is cold and windy out there:
Got some beef trimmings for the grocery store butcher that I have loaded on the two racks:
Got some water in the pan, lump in the bottom, oak chunks on the outside of the ring (ala Harry Soo). Before I added the water to the pan and the meat to the racks I was running at 270f but it dropped to 220f. I opened the vents on the bottom and top abit before coming in so I'll have to see what it is when I go out again. I am not too concerned as I am just gunking the baby up. Gonna go over to the grocery store and see about getting some pork fat for tommorrrow. I work tommorrow so I am gonna continue with the gunking....off Wednesday so that will be the first cook. Thinking ribs and a small butt I am.

I was thinking of hugging the guy but he dropped the box three times getting it from the truck to the door and looked ****ed when I offered to help. Oh well Merry Christmas to me I say....I am calling this Weber, Bertha:

Made a wind block out of the gasser in the back, the garage on the side and a set of drawers from the garage I was gonna trash on top of my cinder block pit to the other side. She is cold and windy out there:

Got some beef trimmings for the grocery store butcher that I have loaded on the two racks:

Got some water in the pan, lump in the bottom, oak chunks on the outside of the ring (ala Harry Soo). Before I added the water to the pan and the meat to the racks I was running at 270f but it dropped to 220f. I opened the vents on the bottom and top abit before coming in so I'll have to see what it is when I go out again. I am not too concerned as I am just gunking the baby up. Gonna go over to the grocery store and see about getting some pork fat for tommorrrow. I work tommorrow so I am gonna continue with the gunking....off Wednesday so that will be the first cook. Thinking ribs and a small butt I am.