Baby Backs and Sausage on the Franklin


Dustin Dorsey

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I haven't cooked baby backs in a while. Baby backs were my first ever barbecue cook back maybe 13 years ago.


I used a mustard slather and seasoned with some Goldee's All Purpose and Kosmos Q Dirty Bird.

Franklin fired up with post oak. Ran it around 275 the whole time 5 or 6 hours.

I love to forget to get an action shot with the ribs on the pit. I put this sausage on after the ribs finished. Had the ribs in the oven at around 150 until it was time to serve them. I wrapped the ribs up with butter and Goldee's BBQ Sauce.

Finished ribs.


Sausage sliced.
I used Goldee's Barbecue sauce I bought when we went to the restaurant a while back. It's kind of a ketchup and mustard based sauce. Their ribs are really exceptional. These turned out really good. I've been more of a spare rib guy for a LONG time. I forgot how good and tender baby backs can be. I cooked these unwrapped the whole time and then put down about 5 pats of butter and some sauce and wrapped them in foil to rest down. The sausage is just the jalapeno cheese sausage I made awhile back and I've put in a lot of posts. It's Chud's recipe essentially. I really need to make a new batch as I've learned a lot since then on my sausage making. These have been vacuumed sealed in the freezer for long time but they freeze great.

