ATK take on Charcoal

She seems very interested in the topic............

It is a never ending battle of trying to convince a Ford guy why your GMC is a better truck.
Interesting that they tested briquettes and lump and the testers couldn't tell the difference on hot / fast and LAS.
I think they're a bit out of their league with grilling and BBQ in general. I watched a gas grill comparison they did a few years ago...underwhelming. More useful information in 2 pages of posts on this forum than their entire video.
In ATK's defense..... we're really not their target audience in regards to gas vs. charcoal, Weber products, and the like. These reviews are targeted at people who aren't going to burn a few hundred lbs. of charcoal annually, or go through a few 20 lb. bottles of LP.

I guess that I'm not too surprised that the review didn't point out the binders used in briquettes, or the odor given off by briquettes while lighting them off, considering what the end results of the testing were. If they didn't think it made a difference in the test results, then it's not mentioned.
In ATK's defense..... we're really not their target audience in regards to gas vs. charcoal, Weber products, and the like. These reviews are targeted at people who aren't going to burn a few hundred lbs. of charcoal annually, or go through a few 20 lb. bottles of LP.

I guess that I'm not too surprised that the review didn't point out the binders used in briquettes, or the odor given off by briquettes while lighting them off, considering what the end results of the testing were. If they didn't think it made a difference in the test results, then it's not mentioned.
Thanks, well said sir!
It was a pretty general overview with nothing that “WE” would find the least bit informative. With us they were “Preaching to the choir.” As the saying goes.
The “average Joe” that grills three times a year might find this informative but, meh.
To be honest, I’m not 100% sure I can tell the difference. I use JD lump for grilling and Brix for LAS. No one has ever said - you would use lump for LAS.

As to the smoke at startup, KP does smoke a lot but once above a couple of hundred degrees, it stops. Not a show stopper for me unless the fire department shows up courtesy of a new neighbor….

Sounds like I need to do an experiment.
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I didn't watch the vid ( think I seen it before ) Did they say what they were using as far as equipment?
I know I can tell a difference on a kamado. You have to use lump or you can taste any binder on extruded or briqs. IME.
I've never used briqs in the BGE. I've used briqs a few times on the WSK.
What kind? All natural like Stubbs /Cowboy or?
Rancher used to make an all natural briq that was the bomb, loved that stuff when HD did the big dump back in 08?

