As promised, first cook on my WSM



TVWBB Super Fan
As mentioned in my post "The weber tour truck came with a WSM for me", I did a spatchcocked and brined chicken on my first cook. A few mishaps during the cook and a few learnings/questions at the end, but a good chicken

Not a family yet, but at least a couple

Point of no return for the shiny new interior

Chicken and potatoes on the grate at 275 F, which was as high as I either didn't use enough briquettes or they had become most during winter storage. Used apple wood chunks as I normally do

Pulled chicken at an internal temp of 167 F

Plated for me and my wife

Result: juicy chicken, probably due to both the brine an low temp (ranging between 275 and 250 with all dampers open). The skin was as crisp as a leather boot, but from what I had read here I expected it to be a write-off

Impression of the WSM: Fantastic way of cooking, looking forward to using it more. Will clearly have to use more fuel next time.

- I didn't use any water in the pan, and will continue with that for now
- can't find foil which is wide enough to cover the water pan with one sheet. Is it an alternative to use unfoiled clay pot or do you guys foil that one too?
- How much briquettes do you use in an 18.5 for a cook where everything is burning from the start?
- while cleaning out the unit today I realised that the 3 in 1 modification for the charcoal grate/ring is very cleaver
- And most importantly, must use the WSM again soon

Take care guys

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When doing a short, high heat cook (as for chicken) I use a full Weber chimney of lit coals. After the chicken is nearly done, you can pull the barrel off (after removing the top grate with the chicken on it) and set the chicken/food grate on top of the base and "char" the chicken to crisp the skin. Keep in mind, it only takes a minute or two per side to crisp up chicken. Watch it carefully, as you can burn it easily if you leave it on too long. With a splatch cocked chicken, I would wait until the chicken is done, THEN, pull the barrel and crisp it up skin side down over the coals.

I prefer smoked chicken at 325 degrees "F" , then the final crisp of the skin. I use the foiled water pan with no water. Some have suggested doing completely WITHOUT the water pan when doing chicken. If you do that, you may not have to crisp afterwards.

Let us know how YOURS comes out, next time and I'll do the same:D.

Keep on smokin',
Chicken and potatoes look great. I use 1 1/2 weber chimneys full of briquets for a HH chicken. I usually over use charcoal because I don't want to run out. If there is left over coals at the end of the cook I just use them next go round.
Great looking bird! Complimenti! Just a question: you say you pulled the bird at 75 IT??? Do you mean 75 F or 175 F???

Hmmm, you know, I normally use C and forgot to convert. It was 75 C or 167 F. I've updated the post. Thanks for making me aware of it :-)
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Hei Sven. Velkommen til klubben!

Når du skal lage kylling, ta ut alt av WSM-en, panne, rister og alt, og fyll på med kull og bruk WSM-en som en vanlig grill, bare med veldig stor avstand fra kullet og opp til kjøttet. Sett alle ventiler som åpne. Det gir deg et supersaftig resultalt. Del den gjerne kyllingen opp i biter. Det tar gjerne fra tre kvarter og opp til en time før maten er ferdig. Vil du pensle med olje og krydder underveis, er det bare en fordel. Kyllingen blir ikke brent uansett på grunn av avstanden til kullet. Anbefales på det varmeste!

To the rest of you- I've just basically told him how to make roadside chicken on the WSM. :)
Thank you, or tusen takk as we say in Norwegain, for the nice feedback. It is really nice to be part of a comunity were it is ok to share thinks that are not completly perfect.

I'm looking forward to using the WSM more. I'm thinking of pulled pork or Porchetta next time.

