Joe Anshien
TVWBB Honor Circle
We are getting a home built in a development with no natural gas. I like to have backup plans in case power goes out and no heat pump. I thought I would look into small kerosene or oil heaters and came across this Perfection oil heater that is probably about 100 years old for $35. Now that flipping grill season is over here in VA, I thought these look like fun and still involve fire;-) I also came across this Smudge Pot Outdoor Orchard Heater that looks like a blast and can burn my old engine oil or basically anything you put in it (outdoor use only). If anyone has played with these or are interested please feel free to chime in.
The Perfection 630 seems to have been painted and has an enamel finish. I had to use a lot of PB-Blaster to get the old wick out and have a new one on order. I started cleaning it up. I will probably try the pot burner out Wednesday night when a friend comes over. We went out to Goochland to pick up the heater from a lady that has chickens, turkeys, small horses. Pic of Turkey. When we got home I got out the griddle and made some grass fed kielbasa with squash, onions, peppers, and a little cauliflower. We eat it over some fine grain kasha (buckwheat). The last pic of the Pot heater that is lit up is just a stock photo I found.

The Perfection 630 seems to have been painted and has an enamel finish. I had to use a lot of PB-Blaster to get the old wick out and have a new one on order. I started cleaning it up. I will probably try the pot burner out Wednesday night when a friend comes over. We went out to Goochland to pick up the heater from a lady that has chickens, turkeys, small horses. Pic of Turkey. When we got home I got out the griddle and made some grass fed kielbasa with squash, onions, peppers, and a little cauliflower. We eat it over some fine grain kasha (buckwheat). The last pic of the Pot heater that is lit up is just a stock photo I found.