Okey Dokey here’s the feed…
Wings, granddaughter very happy

Somehow I missed the Texas Twinkies (grandson happy)
Tri tip and wings (grandpa happy)

Pepperoncini pot roast (everybody happy)

Spaetzle, not as good as last time, needs practice.

Tri tip sliced, this too needs practice, I meant to look at the diagram one of you kind folks posted on how the grain changes but, I got through it. Sous Vide 125* 7 hours (probably would have been fine in three)

No dessert, fighting spring allergy attack for the last four days(forgot to take my meds when the walnut and maple tree started budding, my own damned fault) I just didn’t feel like fussing about with a dessert. The kids went for ice cream so, they all had something.
The 30 Twinkies were gone like the dew before the sun!
Now, I need some coffee!