Another Saturday Night…

Okey Dokey here’s the feed…
Wings, granddaughter very happy
37188095-A60B-4EC2-855D-D08EBA8EDBBF.jpegSomehow I missed the Texas Twinkies (grandson happy)
Tri tip and wings (grandpa happy)

Pepperoncini pot roast (everybody happy)
Spaetzle, not as good as last time, needs practice.
Tri tip sliced, this too needs practice, I meant to look at the diagram one of you kind folks posted on how the grain changes but, I got through it. Sous Vide 125* 7 hours (probably would have been fine in three)

No dessert, fighting spring allergy attack for the last four days(forgot to take my meds when the walnut and maple tree started budding, my own damned fault) I just didn’t feel like fussing about with a dessert. The kids went for ice cream so, they all had something.
The 30 Twinkies were gone like the dew before the sun!
Now, I need some coffee!
Texas Twinkies are really pretty simple, I stole the basic recipe from a buddy but, I use leftover brisket(when I have any) cream cheese, some sliced green onion, and just a bit so sriracha. Blitz that up until smooth in the Cuisinart and fill split jalapeños (stemmed and seeded) wrap with bacon and load a wire rack. Place the rack on and wait until the bacon crisps up a bit (maybe 45 minutes, depending on how hot things are) and stand back!
About a year ago my friend brought them over, I had made a sheet pan sized rack of bacon wrapped jalapeño tots and as I was getting ready to take them off one by one, I realized that I had a rack the right size so, I just flipped the whole pan onto the rack and set that on the kettle! We looked at each other and said, “Why didn’t either of us think of that sooner!?” All the time spent fussing with the individually, wasted motion and time! This gets them on and off in one swipe!
This last batch I did on the rack in a foil lined sheet pan on the gasser, worked very well.
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The only drawback is they will be gone before you turn around! I try to snag one as soon as I get them off, that way I get one at least. My grandson will vacuum up a dozen in no time!
Enjoy! Oh, I’ve decided that the bacon is best if not super thick. It takes too long to crisp up and the stuffing melts too much. Unless you use a bucket of brisket in the mix (highly recommended).
First time I made it, my wife - who essentially hates meat - and my daughter - “if it’s not filet, it’s not worth eating” - both went back for seconds. I was completely shocked at good it was as I was used to adding water and other what nots to the roast/crock pot.

I can honestly say that I’m with you and your photos of more pepperoncini’s because that really adds an awesomeness to the roast that isn’t there without it. Awesome job!

P.S. That Wild Turkey is pretty good too!
The WT isn’t bad but, I got that one by mistake, I was reaching for the 101! Can’t return liquor so, I’ll suffer through that bottle,😂

