Another Paella on the Kettle


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
I've been on a serious paella kick lately, trying to dial in the dish to where I like it (....and, because it's just so darn good!) Last night's was my best yet. Pretty close to a traditional Paella Valenciana, though I added chorizo which purists will say is "not allowed" in a Paella. Well, I don't care, because I like it! :) I look at it this way.....the dish was originally one that rice farmers would make as they (obviously) had access to rice, and they would add whatever else was available (chicken, rabbit, beans, etc.) Since chorizo is available to me, I'm just adding what's available! :)

Anyway, I'm still pretty much adhering to quantities and procedures that I typed up in THIS POST, with modifications here and there to suit my tastes. This paella had some chicken (legs, thighs and wings I took off a whole chicken), I found some flat/Romano beans, butter beans, and the aforementioned chorizo. A chimney of Kingsford is the perfect amount of heat for my 16" pan to get me through the frying/sauteeing of all the stuff, then the boiling and simmering of the rice. This one was delicious!

Right after adding the stock, everybody in the pool!


...and done!


