Another #9057 Grill Out Handle Light available on Ebay

I'm torn on this product. I have a nice SS handle and my grill is on a lighted patio, but the cool factor is undeniable.

How to they hold up? My brain is telling me I don't need it but my addiction is going a different direction.

All that said, totally agree on the price. We just saw 2 sell a few weeks ago for $28 each.
Brandon. those that sold a week or so ago had shipping charges that put them in the $40 range. This one is free shipping.
But, regarding durability, I have had mine for three years now and no problems. I did just buy a grill that was about 20 years old with one that had some cracking and I could only get one of the lights to work sometimes. It is a parts light now. But, I do think they are plenty durable overall. I have gotten grills with the other newer style of lights (Weber brand included) and less than half of them still worked.
I’m with you Bruce, it’s a little high but, I snagged a second one last tie the guy was selling at 28 plus shipping. I think it turned out to be about $37 and change. I’m just going to let that one collect dust for a while.
Timothy: Yah, I have a spare and I did sell another one to a list member about a year ago. I have my working light now and a spare, so I don't have need for any more unless I get them at a grate price or off a rehab grill.
I don't think it is the same guy selling them every time. I think it is different people. But at some point, the supply of these things is going to virtually be gone. They quit making them a long time ago and there can't be too many laying around in the back of warehouses or stock rooms or in people's garages. That is why I have my spare and a parts light.
I think this is a different guy too, the format is different.
If I run across another for a really good deal I might get one for my daughter in law. Aside from spectacular deals I’m not buying much. Don’t need much
Good luck Gary. Keep us posted.
Put in an offer of $35 plus 8.55 shipping. It's a reasonable shipping cost. It'd be cool to have a second one not just for parts but to use on my second Genesis 1000.

Update: Declined at $35. I like having a 2nd one, but not paying over $40 for it. They seem to pop up every now and then but like you said Bruce there's not many New Old stock left.
Yoink! Seller accepted $38 plus shipping. Good chance I wont see it for two weeks with USPS Parcel Select from IL to CT. USPS operations still strained and being a very long box is manually sorted. Gives me time to get my AA battery to C battery adapters and the two LED lights ordered.

One left guys. Grab it while you can! ...I have been "enabled" too!! :-P
Guys, here is another light if you have been looking for one. He has "Make and Offer", so I would take a shot at that before paying full price unless you really want it. It will be a little less than $50 with shipping for full price.

Guys, here is another light if you have been looking for one. He has "Make and Offer", so I would take a shot at that before paying full price unless you really want it. It will be a little less than $50 with shipping for full price.

Thanks Bruce,
I ordered that one.
Here is another one. It is pretty strong on shipping, but the overall price is not bad.

I wanted to start of by apologizing to the members here.
I just wanted to state I bought this one too. Sorry I needed just 2. I will not buy anymore that get posted.
I was stating in case you all wanted to know where it went.
The main reason I posted was because I just want to thank Bruce for the help.
I think we are all glad you got that! There has to be a pretty limited supply of NIB ones of these cool old handles. I actually have two myself. One is slated for my own use, either on the 2-burner Skyline I currently use as a daily driver or when I put together a 3-burner. The other I am holding for just the right flip grill. Something that I will try to go all out on and get the maximum price.
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I have one on my 1000 and a spare new one in box in the shed. I won't put that on a flip grill. I just don't think I would get my money back on it.
I am keeping my spare for "A spare". I also have a old beat up cracked one I can steel a part off of as well.

